Wednesday, January 18, 2012


Without Love....

My body turns to stone
As this stone slowly crumbles,
The small jagged pieces begin to swirl
Whipped furiously by dusty, fetid desert winds
Forming treacherous columns of frenzied fragments
Randomly twisting in this blistering heat so far from home

Without Love...
My heart turns to stone
As this stone implacably wears me down
Dark feelings of isolation begin bubbling to the surface
While cold desolation arises to conquer all romantic sentiment
Ripping and tearing at my skin where gentle touches once lingered
Leaving huge gaping holes, thus twisting soft lips into a narrow frown

Without Love...
My mind turns to stone
As this stone steadily obliterates my sanity
Echoing screams begin to noisily reverberate within my brain
Morphing into hallucinatory waves awash throuhout a stark and sterile room
Transforming what were once beloved memories into anguished contemplations
Of being left alone to feel the heavy crush of artistic inspiration now dictated by pain