Thursday, July 2, 2009

Corporate Jungle

Corporate Jungle

Reflecting off shining silver security cameras
Sanguine hunters silently stalk their prey
Drenched in an overpowering bureaucratic stench
As they carry out perversely amusing scenarios
Designed to ruthlessly exterminate day by day
The cluster of creative souls haunting corporate halls

Terrified, the last victims quietly bleed muted emotions
As they toil within the sterile semblance of a profession
Fantasizing for a flash of brilliant recognition, yet trapped
Scared to creatively soar knowing that the smell of blood
Dripping from their newly formed wounds of depression
Will only attract the most vicious of corporate predators

Sometimes their silent screams of anguish cease
There is no more fear to feel, or tears to shed
So much of their blood has already been drained
That only carcasses remain, propped up in cubicles
Strewn about, lit by the florescent tubes overhead
Illuminating the corridors of this faceless corporate jungle


As the hunters keep on stifling imaginative talent
They do not quite fully realize that one fateful day
They too will grow weak, and they too will be torn
Limb from limb, left to bleed to death
Like the countless faceless victims before them...

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